With a platform of rape, sexual assault, vandalism, theft and anarchy, who wouldn’t want to vote for an Occupy candidate? Their press release (yes, they have a press release) outlines their wonderfully vague platform:
About Us: What is The Occupation Party?
The Occupation Party represents the 99% of Americans who want reform that brings back honesty and transparency into our governmental and political institutions in short, a return to government that is truly by the people, for the people and that serves the interests of the people first and foremost.
Why Do We Need A Political Party?
Some claim the will of the 99% is adequately represented by the existing political parties. But the evidence says otherwise. Both the Democratic and Republican parties are equally driven by donors dollars (corporate and individual), and are taking actions and supporting policies that benefit corporate and wealthy interests over those of the rest of us. Many of those actions and policies have long-term results that run counter to the best interests of the country as a whole.
That’s why a separate political party is needed to translate the energy and ideas of the Occupy Wall Street movement and the 99% into concrete, actionable solutions to fix our nations problems. Someone needs to act with the needs of the people in mind, not just the privileged elite that funds our elections in order to control our policies.
What Does The Occupation Party Plan to Do?
Our action plan is a work-in-progress, and we encourage members of the public to participate in our forums and discussions about the best responses to the many difficult issues our nation faces.
Currently, our plan includes actions on three fronts:
1) Spread the Word, Tell the Truth
2) Create Consensus, Rebuild Democracy
3) Define Problems, Seek Solutions
See, there’s a small problem with rebuilding democracy – America is a republic. Despite the fact that their current party platform is a ‘work-in-progress,’ rest assured, they will ‘define problems and seek solutions.” And in case you want to get involved in the Occupy party, here’s their website:
The Occupation Party is a new third party that stands in solidarity with the populist message of Occupy Wall Street.
We are planning to occupy the political process and take the people’s message into Congress by electing representatives and senators who are people from the 99%, not the political elite.
But hey, may as well, “Get involved and own your piece of democracy,” right?
(h/t Weazel Zippers)
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