Well I found out today from my employer that we're going to change insurance providers. She said that our insurance provider (Principal Financial Group) is going to raise our insurance rates by $50 per employee, per month. With 8 employees, that's a $4,800 increase. So, we're probably going to switch to Blue Cross.
The reason I say "step one begins" is because this is step one of the Obamacare plan. Make it so that insurance companies have to increase premiums in anticipation of what's coming (insurance to people with preconditions, children on parents plan up to age 26, less profit due to restrictions on how much companies can set aside for administrative fees, etc.). They're also increasing fees to take advantage of the legislation to make more profit and to create a nest egg for their companies for their increased costs.
Step two will now be for the Obama administration and the press to come out and say "Hey, look at all of these evil insurance companies taking advantage of this bill and making all of this money. We really tried to bring costs down and control these insurance companies but their just too greedy."
Step three will be for the administration to come out and say "The only way to bring costs down and take the profit motive out of health insurance is a government run single-payer system."
And there you have it! What every Socialist utopian is seeking, governemt run health care.
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