Almost nine years after the 9/11 attacks, the United States has yet to confront the threat posed by the extremist and irreconcilable wing of Islam. Former Speaker of the House and AEI senior fellow Newt Gingrich will warn that now is the time to awaken from self-deception about the nature of our enemies and rebuild a bipartisan commitment, in Afghanistan and elsewhere, to defend America. Drawing on the lessons of Camus and Orwell, Gingrich will describe the dangers of a wartime government that uses language and misleading labels to obscure reality. He will explain why we need a debate about this larger war against the irreconcilable wing of Islam—which mortally threatens America’s way of life, freedom, and rule of law—and how it relates to the nuclear threat from Iran and the various other risks posed to America’s very existence. Most importantly, Gingrich will argue that America will remain at risk until it confronts this willful blindness about the nature of its enemies and the nature of the war in which it is engaged.
Here's Newt Gingrich on the O'Reilly Factor on August 3, 2010
Newt says if the Imam who wants to build a mosque near Ground Zero, wants a true interfaith center, then they should build inside of their ‘multicultural center’ a synagogue for Jews, a mosque for Muslims, and a church for Christians, and they should respect everyone’s right to worship there. Now that would be a true interfaith center. After that Newt proceeds to call out the administration for not calling radical Islam for what it is, by citing the recent litany of attacks by radical Islamists on America.
Posted by therightscoop on August 4, 2010
Walid Shoebat did a recent interview (audio only) with the Spud Show to discuss the Imam who wants to build the mosque near Ground Zero. Because Shoebat can read Arabic, he has researched the Imam and found that this Imam to be as fundamental Muslim as you can get. He goes on to share the Imam’s words from Arabic regarding this ‘interfaith’ notion of this mosque and as you might expect, it turns out this Imam wants nothing to do with tolerance at all.
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