Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Here's Whats Coming America!

Like I said, this health care legislation will bankrupt the nation. Prepare yourselves for the VAT (Value Added Tax)! Let me also say this. The country that you and I grew up in is over! For the first time in American history, we have a President who doesn't believe in American exceptionalism, who doesn't believe in our unique origins, who thinks we are not a beacon of freedom to the world. He believes we are no better than any other country and he is determined to bring us to the European, Socialist utopia! To do this, this country has to be brought down a few notches. Legalize all Illegal Aliens, Cap & Trade, Universal Health Care, VAT, control of industry, etc. This is just the beginning!
Let me list some of the top goals of Socialism:
1) Government ownership or control of all land.
2) Government ownership or control of major industries.
3) Government control over labor.
4) Government control or ownership of communications and transportation.
5) Government control of all credit.
6) Government control of all insurance.
7) Government control of the educational system.
8) Elimination of the significance of the family.
9) Elimination of the significance of religion.
10) Establishment of a minimum wage.
11) A universal system of pensions.
12) Justified use of force if necessary to attain Socialist goals.
13) Graduated income tax. (actually this one is from the Communist Manifesto)

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