This really pissed me off! I was on the web looking at bills recently passed by the Senate and came across this one.
It's HR 3357.
It's a really short bill (only 2 pages). O.K. So it's a bill for the Highway Trust Fund. It appropriates $7 billion to the Highway Trust Fund. That seems o.k. But then I read on and it also appropriates "such sums as necessary" for the unemployment trust fund. I can even understand that with all the unemployment. But then it adds an additional $85 billion for the FHA. And it also adds an additional $100 billion to the (GNMA) Government National Mortgage Association--Guarantees of Mortgage-Backed Securities Loan Guarantee Program Account.
So with this bill, the Government just took an additional $185 billion from the American People? Did any of you here about this on the news? I didn't! Do you realize with a U.S. population of 307,545,788, that comes out to $601.54 for every man, woman and child in this country! Just in one stupid bill!
So I'm already starting to get pissed and I decide to look and see who the hell voted for this and guess what? My two Republican Senator's (Cornyn and Hutchison) both voted yes for it! Here's their vote. Holy crap!!
So I e-mailed both of them and asked them why they voted for it. I got a reply from Cornyn giving me his website address and the typical letter sent out to everyone who e-mails him and that was it. Can't they answer my question or are they too busy?
Then to top it all off, I'm on my way to work the next day and there's report out that Senator Cornyn issued a statement about GITMO and he has the nerve to say "I implore the President to keep that in mind and immediately stop throwing good taxpayer dollars after bad policy ideas. If he is looking for a creative way to spend money, I respectfully suggest leaving GITMO open and using the millions of dollars in ‘savings' to pay down the monumental deficit he has racked up since taking office in January." Here's a link to his whole statement.
Can you believe this! Our "fiscally responsible" Republican Senators voted for this! Talk about two faced political liars! It's no wonder there are so many people totally fed up with our Government. I've been fed up with both parties for ten years. They just don't get it!
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