ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis Praises Socialism, Bashes Conservatives at Socialist Youth Conference (Video)
Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 5:42 AM
Over 150 youth and student activists gathered at Norman Thomas High School in New York City from March 5-7, 2010. Young Democratic Socialists (YDS) activists and progressive youth converged to discuss how to amplify left-wing pressure on the establishment. These young radicals came from Texas, Indiana to Kansas, Florida, Rhode Island, Oregon and more.
Bertha Lewis spoke at the Winter Conference of the Young Democratic Socialists in March. The ACORN CEO praised socialism and attacked conservatives in her talk.
2 Minute Video Below
Last summer, the Young Democratic Socialists voted to make “Free Higher Education” a national priority. It’s the next “human right” that democratic-socialists will want you to pay for.
ACORN is the largest radical leftist group in America today.
This radical group worked closely with the Obama camp during the election but, the community organizing group was not open about the relationship. The photo below was scrubbed from the ACORN website before the election:

One of Barack Obama’s first big “community organizer” jobs involved ACORN in 1992. He worked along side ACORN before he became an elected official. Obama also trained ACORN employees. He represented ACORN in court. Obama worked with and protested with ACORN. His campaign donated $800,000 to ACORN in 2008 for voter registration efforts.
And, ACORN even canvassed for Obama in 2008.
In 2009 Obama promoted a top ACORN operative, Patrick Gaspard, who’s organization was fined $775,000 for election violations, to a top post in the White House. Gespard is helping shape domestic policy today.
Barack Obama was not honest about his relationship with ACORN during the 2008 election.
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