This is a link to a series of lectures on different aspects of our Government. There are a bunch of references to God and stuff (it was filmed at a church), and on some of the slides the focus goes back and forth and kind of drives your eyes bonkers, but the majority of each one is very informative. The one on "Empire of Debt" is very revealing (and disturbing). If you have some time and you don't like to read, these are really interesting.
UPDATE: Please watch the video "America's First Founding" Part 1. Load it and start it at the 15:15 for an awesome explanation of what our country is all about. You will learn more in this segment than you ever thought possible!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Cap and Trade Speech by John Boehner
This is a great speech by John Boehner on the House floor right before July 4th weekend when the Cap and Trade bill was passed, where he goes over the Amendment to the Cap and Trade bill that was added at the last minute, page by page. It gets really good around 18:30 in the audio, but I encourage you to listen to the whole thing. This is what's coming!
Here is a link to the Amendment if you want to follow along with his speech.
Here is a link to the Amendment if you want to follow along with his speech.
Neo - Marxist Saul Alinsky - His "Rules for Radicals"
Rule 1: Power is not only what you have, but what an opponent thinks you have. If your organization is small, hide your numbers in the dark and raise a din that will make everyone think you have many more people than you do.
Rule 2: Never go outside the experience of your people.
The result is confusion, fear, and retreat.
Rule 3: Whenever possible, go outside the experience of an opponent. Here you want to cause confusion, fear, and retreat.
Rule 4: Make opponents live up to their own book of rules. “You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.”
Rule 5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.
Rule 6: A good tactic is one your people enjoy. “If your people aren’t having a ball doing it, there is something very wrong with the tactic.”
Rule 7: A tactic that drags on for too long becomes a drag. Commitment may become ritualistic as people turn to other issues.
Rule 8: Keep the pressure on. Use different tactics and actions and use all events of the period for your purpose. “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. It is this that will cause the opposition to react to your advantage.”
Rule 9: The threat is more terrifying than the thing itself. When Alinsky leaked word that large numbers of poor people were going to tie up the washrooms of O’Hare Airport, Chicago city authorities quickly agreed to act on a longstanding commitment to a ghetto organization. They imagined the mayhem as thousands of passengers poured off airplanes to discover every washroom occupied. Then they imagined the international embarrassment and the damage to the city’s reputation.
Rule 10: The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative. Avoid being trapped by an opponent or an interviewer who says, “Okay, what would you do?”
Rule 11: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. Don’t try to attack abstract corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or spread the blame.
According to Alinsky, the main job of the organizer is to bait an opponent into reacting. “The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength."
Rule 2: Never go outside the experience of your people.
The result is confusion, fear, and retreat.
Rule 3: Whenever possible, go outside the experience of an opponent. Here you want to cause confusion, fear, and retreat.
Rule 4: Make opponents live up to their own book of rules. “You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.”
Rule 5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.
Rule 6: A good tactic is one your people enjoy. “If your people aren’t having a ball doing it, there is something very wrong with the tactic.”
Rule 7: A tactic that drags on for too long becomes a drag. Commitment may become ritualistic as people turn to other issues.
Rule 8: Keep the pressure on. Use different tactics and actions and use all events of the period for your purpose. “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. It is this that will cause the opposition to react to your advantage.”
Rule 9: The threat is more terrifying than the thing itself. When Alinsky leaked word that large numbers of poor people were going to tie up the washrooms of O’Hare Airport, Chicago city authorities quickly agreed to act on a longstanding commitment to a ghetto organization. They imagined the mayhem as thousands of passengers poured off airplanes to discover every washroom occupied. Then they imagined the international embarrassment and the damage to the city’s reputation.
Rule 10: The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative. Avoid being trapped by an opponent or an interviewer who says, “Okay, what would you do?”
Rule 11: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. Don’t try to attack abstract corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or spread the blame.
According to Alinsky, the main job of the organizer is to bait an opponent into reacting. “The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength."
MSNBC Host on Hardball states that The President NEVER said he was in favor of a single payer system
Here is Lawrence O'Donnell from Hardball talking to someone who asked Arlen Specter a question at a town hall meeting. Listen to how he says that The President never said he was in favor of single payer. Just the other day at the town hall meeting in New Hampshire, The President said he never has said he is in favor of single payer.
But here is The President saying he is in favor of a single payer system. At 1:00 in the video, he says "I happen to be a PROPONENT of a single payer, universal health care plan". When The President is with people who are his buddies, like the AFL-CIO, ACORN, SEIU, etc., he tells them what he truly believes. But when he gets in front of the general public, he says what he has to say in order to get his agenda passed and sound like a moderate.
So, in fact, The President did say he is in favor of single payer. I guess MSNBC didn't see that video or are they not reporting it so people don't find out about it. Wake up America!
But here is The President saying he is in favor of a single payer system. At 1:00 in the video, he says "I happen to be a PROPONENT of a single payer, universal health care plan". When The President is with people who are his buddies, like the AFL-CIO, ACORN, SEIU, etc., he tells them what he truly believes. But when he gets in front of the general public, he says what he has to say in order to get his agenda passed and sound like a moderate.
So, in fact, The President did say he is in favor of single payer. I guess MSNBC didn't see that video or are they not reporting it so people don't find out about it. Wake up America!
Middle of Page 925
(a) IN GENERAL.—Section 761 (42 U.S.C. 294n) is amended—
(1) by redesignating subsection (c) as subsection (e); and
(2) by striking subsections (a) and (b) and inserting the following:
(a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall, based upon the classifications and standardized methodologies and procedures developed by the Advisory Committee on Health Workforce Evaluation and Assessment under section 764(b)—
(1) collect data on the health workforce (as defined in section 764(i)), disaggregated by field, discipline, and specialty, with respect to
(A) the supply (including retention) of health professionals relative to the demand for such professionals;
(B) the diversity of health professionals (including with respect to race, ethnic background, and gender); and
(C) the geographic distribution of health professionals; and
(2) collect such data on individuals participating in the programs authorized by subtitles A, B, and C and part 1 of subtitle D of title II of division C of the America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009.
Why is the Government looking at the diversity of health professionals? Shouldn't the makeup of our health professionals be based on their qualifications?
(a) IN GENERAL.—Section 761 (42 U.S.C. 294n) is amended—
(1) by redesignating subsection (c) as subsection (e); and
(2) by striking subsections (a) and (b) and inserting the following:
(a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall, based upon the classifications and standardized methodologies and procedures developed by the Advisory Committee on Health Workforce Evaluation and Assessment under section 764(b)—
(1) collect data on the health workforce (as defined in section 764(i)), disaggregated by field, discipline, and specialty, with respect to
(A) the supply (including retention) of health professionals relative to the demand for such professionals;
(B) the diversity of health professionals (including with respect to race, ethnic background, and gender); and
(C) the geographic distribution of health professionals; and
(2) collect such data on individuals participating in the programs authorized by subtitles A, B, and C and part 1 of subtitle D of title II of division C of the America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009.
Why is the Government looking at the diversity of health professionals? Shouldn't the makeup of our health professionals be based on their qualifications?
Please read this section. Why is the Government telling hospitals when and how they can expand their facilities?
Bottom of Page 317 Top of Page 318
(C) PROHIBITION ON EXPANSION OF FACILITY CAPACITY.—Except as provided in paragraph (2), the number of operating rooms, procedure rooms, or beds of the hospital at any time on or after the date of the enactment of this subsection are no greater than the number of operating rooms, procedure rooms, or beds, respectively, as of such date.
(i) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary shall establish and implement a process under which a hospital may apply for an exception from the requirement under paragraph (1)(C).
(ii) OPPORTUNITY FOR COMMUNITY INPUT.—The process under clause (i) shall provide persons and entities in the community in which the hospital applying for an exception is located with the opportunity to provide input with respect to the application.
(iii) TIMING FOR IMPLEMENTATION.—The Secretary shall implement the process under clause (i) on the date that is one month after the promulgation of regulations described in clause (iv).
(iv) REGULATIONS.—Not later than the first day of the month beginning 18 months after the date of the enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall promulgate regulations to carry out the process under clause (i). The Secretary may issue such regulations as interim final regulations.
(B) FREQUENCY.—The process described in subparagraph (A) shall permit a hospital to apply for an exception up to once every 2 years.
Bottom of Page 322 Top of Page 323
(ii) 100 PERCENT INCREASE LIMITATION.—The Secretary shall not permit an
increase in the number of operating rooms, procedure rooms, or beds of a hospital under clause (i) to the extent such increase would result in the number of operating rooms, procedure rooms, or beds of the hospital exceeding 200 percent of the base line number of operating rooms, procedure rooms, or beds of the hospital.
Bottom of Page 323 to Top of Page 325
(E) CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL OF AN INCREASE IN FACILITY CAPACITY.—The Secretary may grant an exception under the process described in subparagraph (A) only to a hospital—
(i) that is located in a county in which the percentage increase in the population during the most recent 5-year period for which data are available is estimated to be at least 150 percent of the percentage increase in the population growth of the State in which the hospital is located during that period, as estimated by Bureau of the Census and available to the Secretary;
(ii) whose annual percent of total inpatient admissions that represent inpatient admissions under the program under title XIX is estimated to be equal to or greater than the average percent with respect to such admissions for all hospitals located in the county in which the hospital is located;
(iii) that does not discriminate against beneficiaries of Federal health care programs and does not permit physicians practicing at the hospital to discriminate against such beneficiaries;
(iv) that is located in a State in which the average bed capacity in the State is estimated to be less than the national average bed capacity;
(v) that has an average bed occupancy rate that is estimated to be greater than the average bed occupancy rate in the State in which the hospital is located; and
(vi) that meets other conditions as determined by the Secretary.
What other Conditions?
Bottom of Page 323
(D) INCREASE LIMITED TO FACILITIES ON THE MAIN CAMPUS OF THE HOSPITAL.—Any increase in the number of operating rooms, procedure rooms, or beds of a hospital pursuant to this paragraph may only occur in facilities on the main campus of the hospital.
So we’re telling hospitals not only if, but where they can add to their facilities.
(C) PROHIBITION ON EXPANSION OF FACILITY CAPACITY.—Except as provided in paragraph (2), the number of operating rooms, procedure rooms, or beds of the hospital at any time on or after the date of the enactment of this subsection are no greater than the number of operating rooms, procedure rooms, or beds, respectively, as of such date.
(i) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary shall establish and implement a process under which a hospital may apply for an exception from the requirement under paragraph (1)(C).
(ii) OPPORTUNITY FOR COMMUNITY INPUT.—The process under clause (i) shall provide persons and entities in the community in which the hospital applying for an exception is located with the opportunity to provide input with respect to the application.
(iii) TIMING FOR IMPLEMENTATION.—The Secretary shall implement the process under clause (i) on the date that is one month after the promulgation of regulations described in clause (iv).
(iv) REGULATIONS.—Not later than the first day of the month beginning 18 months after the date of the enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall promulgate regulations to carry out the process under clause (i). The Secretary may issue such regulations as interim final regulations.
(B) FREQUENCY.—The process described in subparagraph (A) shall permit a hospital to apply for an exception up to once every 2 years.
Bottom of Page 322 Top of Page 323
(ii) 100 PERCENT INCREASE LIMITATION.—The Secretary shall not permit an
increase in the number of operating rooms, procedure rooms, or beds of a hospital under clause (i) to the extent such increase would result in the number of operating rooms, procedure rooms, or beds of the hospital exceeding 200 percent of the base line number of operating rooms, procedure rooms, or beds of the hospital.
Bottom of Page 323 to Top of Page 325
(E) CONDITIONS FOR APPROVAL OF AN INCREASE IN FACILITY CAPACITY.—The Secretary may grant an exception under the process described in subparagraph (A) only to a hospital—
(i) that is located in a county in which the percentage increase in the population during the most recent 5-year period for which data are available is estimated to be at least 150 percent of the percentage increase in the population growth of the State in which the hospital is located during that period, as estimated by Bureau of the Census and available to the Secretary;
(ii) whose annual percent of total inpatient admissions that represent inpatient admissions under the program under title XIX is estimated to be equal to or greater than the average percent with respect to such admissions for all hospitals located in the county in which the hospital is located;
(iii) that does not discriminate against beneficiaries of Federal health care programs and does not permit physicians practicing at the hospital to discriminate against such beneficiaries;
(iv) that is located in a State in which the average bed capacity in the State is estimated to be less than the national average bed capacity;
(v) that has an average bed occupancy rate that is estimated to be greater than the average bed occupancy rate in the State in which the hospital is located; and
(vi) that meets other conditions as determined by the Secretary.
What other Conditions?
Bottom of Page 323
(D) INCREASE LIMITED TO FACILITIES ON THE MAIN CAMPUS OF THE HOSPITAL.—Any increase in the number of operating rooms, procedure rooms, or beds of a hospital pursuant to this paragraph may only occur in facilities on the main campus of the hospital.
So we’re telling hospitals not only if, but where they can add to their facilities.
tax on "small Employers"
Bottom of Page 150
SMALL EMPLOYER.—For purposes of this subsection, the term ‘small employer’ means any employer for any calendar year if the annual payroll of such employer for the preceding calendar year does not exceed $400,000.
So folks it’s not businesses that make a PROFIT of $400,000, it’s businesses with a PAYROLL of $400,000 that mandates the tax! This bill doesn't just target the "evil rich people" earning over $250,000, it will affect thousands of small businesses. Small businesses who create 70% off the jobs in our economy.
SMALL EMPLOYER.—For purposes of this subsection, the term ‘small employer’ means any employer for any calendar year if the annual payroll of such employer for the preceding calendar year does not exceed $400,000.
So folks it’s not businesses that make a PROFIT of $400,000, it’s businesses with a PAYROLL of $400,000 that mandates the tax! This bill doesn't just target the "evil rich people" earning over $250,000, it will affect thousands of small businesses. Small businesses who create 70% off the jobs in our economy.
So you don't believe the Government will have access to bank accounts?
Bottom of Page 59
(C) enable electronic funds transfers, in order to allow automated reconciliation with the related health care payment and remittance advice;
So there will be bureaucrats in Washington with access to our bank accounts?
(C) enable electronic funds transfers, in order to allow automated reconciliation with the related health care payment and remittance advice;
So there will be bureaucrats in Washington with access to our bank accounts?
Plain Language?
Middle of Page 39
(2) PLAIN LANGUAGE.—In this subsection, the term ‘plain language’ means language that the intended audience, including individuals with limited English proficiency, can readily understand and use because that language is clean, concise, well-organized, and follows other best practices of plain language writing.
(3) GUIDANCE.—The Commissioner shall develop and issue guidance on best practices of plain language writing.
(2) PLAIN LANGUAGE.—In this subsection, the term ‘plain language’ means language that the intended audience, including individuals with limited English proficiency, can readily understand and use because that language is clean, concise, well-organized, and follows other best practices of plain language writing.
(3) GUIDANCE.—The Commissioner shall develop and issue guidance on best practices of plain language writing.
More HR 3200 excerpts
At the bottom of Page 22 and the top of page 23 the Bill states
"Such report shall include any recommendations the Commissioner deems appropriate to ensure that the law does not provide incentives for small and mid-size employers to self-insure or create adverse selection in the risk pools of large group insurers and self-insured employers."
So the Government wants to make sure that the law doesn’t provide incentives for employers to self-insure?
"Such report shall include any recommendations the Commissioner deems appropriate to ensure that the law does not provide incentives for small and mid-size employers to self-insure or create adverse selection in the risk pools of large group insurers and self-insured employers."
So the Government wants to make sure that the law doesn’t provide incentives for employers to self-insure?
Some of the HR 3200 bureaucracy
Page 30 and Page 31 the Bill states
(1) IN GENERAL.-There is established a private-public advisory committee which shall be a panel of medical and other experts to be known as the Health Benefits Advisory Committee to recommend covered benefits and essential, enhanced, and premium plans.
(2) CHAIR.-The Surgeon General shall be a member and the chair of the Health Benefits Advisory Committee.
(3) MEMBERSHIP.-The Health Benefits Advisory Committee shall be composed of the following members, in addition to the Surgeon General:
(A) 9 members who are not Federal employees or officers and who are appointed by the President.
(B) 9 members who are not Federal employees or officers and who are appointed by the Comptroller General of the United States in a manner similar to the manner in which the Comptroller General appoints members to the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission under section 1805(c) of the Social Security Act.
(C) Such even number of members (not to exceed 8) who are Federal employees and officers, as the President may appoint.
O.K. So we're going to have a committee of up to 26 members all appointed either by the president or the comptroller. No bureaucracy here.
(5) PARTICIPATION.-The membership of the Health Benefits Advisory Committee shall at least reflect providers, consumer representatives, employers, labor, health insurance issuers, experts in health care financing and delivery, experts in racial and ethnic disparities, experts in care for those with disabilities, representatives of relevant governmental agencies. and at least one practicing physician or other health professional and an expert on children's health and shall represent a balance among various sectors of the health care system so that no single sector unduly influences the recommendations of such Committee.
Excuse me, why do we need "experts in racial and ethnic disparities" and "labor" and yet we only have "at least one practicing physician or other health professional and an expert on children's health"? Shouldn't it be mostly doctors who know how to practice medicine that should be on this committee!?
Middle of page 32 the bill states
"The Health Benefits Advisory Committee shall recommend to the Secretary of Health and Human Services benefit standards."
So this new bureaucracy of mostly non-medical members will be recommending what our benefits will be. Not us!
Page 35 and 36
If the Secretary determines-
(A) to propose adoption of benefit standards so recommended as a package, the Secretary shall, by regulation under section 553 of title 5, United States Code, propose adoption such standards; or
(B) not to propose adoption of such standards as a package, the Secretary shall notify the Health Benefits Advisory Committee in writing of such determination and the reasons for not proposing the adoption of such recommendation and provide the Committee with a further opportunity to modify its previous recommendations and submit new recommendations to the Secretary on a timely basis.
So the Secretary will "provide the Committee with a further opportunity to modify its previous recommendations and submit new recommendations to the Secretary on a timely basis." What's the reason for a committee if the Secretary can overwrite the committee!? Can he just keep sending their recommendations back to the committee until they make, "the right decision?"
(1) IN GENERAL.-There is established a private-public advisory committee which shall be a panel of medical and other experts to be known as the Health Benefits Advisory Committee to recommend covered benefits and essential, enhanced, and premium plans.
(2) CHAIR.-The Surgeon General shall be a member and the chair of the Health Benefits Advisory Committee.
(3) MEMBERSHIP.-The Health Benefits Advisory Committee shall be composed of the following members, in addition to the Surgeon General:
(A) 9 members who are not Federal employees or officers and who are appointed by the President.
(B) 9 members who are not Federal employees or officers and who are appointed by the Comptroller General of the United States in a manner similar to the manner in which the Comptroller General appoints members to the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission under section 1805(c) of the Social Security Act.
(C) Such even number of members (not to exceed 8) who are Federal employees and officers, as the President may appoint.
O.K. So we're going to have a committee of up to 26 members all appointed either by the president or the comptroller. No bureaucracy here.
(5) PARTICIPATION.-The membership of the Health Benefits Advisory Committee shall at least reflect providers, consumer representatives, employers, labor, health insurance issuers, experts in health care financing and delivery, experts in racial and ethnic disparities, experts in care for those with disabilities, representatives of relevant governmental agencies. and at least one practicing physician or other health professional and an expert on children's health and shall represent a balance among various sectors of the health care system so that no single sector unduly influences the recommendations of such Committee.
Excuse me, why do we need "experts in racial and ethnic disparities" and "labor" and yet we only have "at least one practicing physician or other health professional and an expert on children's health"? Shouldn't it be mostly doctors who know how to practice medicine that should be on this committee!?
Middle of page 32 the bill states
"The Health Benefits Advisory Committee shall recommend to the Secretary of Health and Human Services benefit standards."
So this new bureaucracy of mostly non-medical members will be recommending what our benefits will be. Not us!
Page 35 and 36
If the Secretary determines-
(A) to propose adoption of benefit standards so recommended as a package, the Secretary shall, by regulation under section 553 of title 5, United States Code, propose adoption such standards; or
(B) not to propose adoption of such standards as a package, the Secretary shall notify the Health Benefits Advisory Committee in writing of such determination and the reasons for not proposing the adoption of such recommendation and provide the Committee with a further opportunity to modify its previous recommendations and submit new recommendations to the Secretary on a timely basis.
So the Secretary will "provide the Committee with a further opportunity to modify its previous recommendations and submit new recommendations to the Secretary on a timely basis." What's the reason for a committee if the Secretary can overwrite the committee!? Can he just keep sending their recommendations back to the committee until they make, "the right decision?"
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
This is a great way to find out how your Senators are voting, and how to view the bills.
At the main page, click on "LEGISLATION & RECORDS". Then select "Roll Call Votes".
At the main page, click on "LEGISLATION & RECORDS". Then select "Roll Call Votes".
This link is a great way to find out how your representatives are voting, and the text of bills in the House.
After going to the site, click "Roll Call Votes". Then select "111th Congress, 1st Session (2009)".
After going to the site, click "Roll Call Votes". Then select "111th Congress, 1st Session (2009)".
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